vowel system

美 [ˈvaʊəl ˈsɪstəm]英 [ˈvaʊəl ˈsɪstəm]
  • 网络元音系统
vowel systemvowel system


the system of vowels used in a particular language
Synonym: vocalism


  1. Each language has a different vowel system .


  2. As a relatively independent sound system , interlanguage vowel system has its own specific regulations .


  3. Some Characteristics of the Vowel System for Chinese Character Pronunciation in the Korean Language


  4. Evolution of vowel system show remarkable universal tendencies and Stability at the level of populations .


  5. The Latest Developments of the RP Vowel System


  6. On the Vowel System Shift from Manchu to Sibe : a Structural Perspective


  7. Uyghur vowels operate horizontally as a dual-level structure in the vowel system .


  8. Firstly , the article analyses the long and short vowel system of Zhuang language and Yue dialect with the phonology and phonetics method .


  9. In the development of the vowel system of the second foreign language , the interferences of the mother tongue is far more than that of the first foreign language .


  10. The new Hangzhou dialect obviously differs from the old , the difference between the new and the old Hangzhou dialect mainly reflects in the compound vowel system .


  11. The vowel system of Dari differs from that of Farsi , and Dari also has additional consonants .


  12. After that , this paper discusses both the visible and invisible rule that have impact on the construction of interlanguage vowel system , as well as the relationship between them .


  13. The research on vowel system evolution and its computation is both part of a larger research effort into understanding the nature of intelligence , and the important issue in mathematical linguistics and artificial societies research areas .


  14. Based on the phoneme theory , this paper analyzes the segmental phonemes in Luoyang dialect and RP from three aspects : vowel system , consonant system and syllable structure , in order to improve the teaching of English pronunciation in Luoyang area .


  15. We will verify the diffusion of Fuzhou dialect in Puxian dialect by three aspects , that is , the diffusion of the consonant system , the diffusion of vowel system , and the diffusion of phonology of Fuzhou dialect .


  16. Transparecy of RTR and Neuter Vowels in Vowel Harmony System


  17. The second chapter give a detailed description on the initial , vowel and tone system and summarized five typical phonetic features of Xichang speech .


  18. Simulation results show that : This model emerges the macro-state equivalent to distribution of real vowel systems , and illustrates universal tendencies of human vowel system .
